We want to hear from you!
As 2023 comes to a close for the Griffith University Law Society and the 2024 Committee begins to take shape ; It is now time to reflect on our performance this year.
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
From Law Ball to Exam Study Sessions, from Bar Crawl to Networking Nights, 2023 has been filled with a variety of events that we as a committee consider valuable and successful. However…
the most important factor to improve is to not only seek feedback but to understand and embrace it.
This is now the best opportunity to either provide our Society with feedback on our performance in 2023, or let us know what you would like to see from us next year in 2024. The newly elected Executive Committee and Directors alongside the appointed Officers have a shared endeavor to improve upon the previous year and to foster the Society into something even more valuable to Griffith Law Students. This is why as a team we are seekinng further knowledge and understanding of our fellow Students as…
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash
one idea can make another idea, a small idea can create a bigger idea and sometimes sharing having no idea can be all it takes to create a new idea.
As an organization run by students for students, we strive to maintain a positive relationship with the Griffith Law Cohort cohort by surveying diverse ranges of perspectives. This allows the committee to tailor events and opportunities to best suit all students different needs, as well as their desires. It is imperative to us that we acknowledge the responsibility that we maintain as members to actively innovate and foster valuable change in order to best support all students- whether or not they are a member of GULS.